hey there!

I’m Gabby

Welcome to my little on-line space. I’m so happy you’re here.

A few things about me. I’m the wife of Steve who happens to be a fire captain. I’ve acclimated to a very weird schedule as a fire wife. I am mom to Ben + Mason who are 18 and 21 and bring me so much joy, and angst cause big kids (and young adults) are impulsive and also, awesome. I love being a mama of boys and yes, I am officially the shortest person in my home.

I’ve been doing this blog thing on the side for a whole lotta years.
I’ve actually lost count of how many, to be honest. What it’s looked like has shifted and grown, just like me! I am one of those people who has lots of ‘loves’. I have learned as I get older that sometimes we need to switch gears based on where we are in life. I’ve also learned that it is OK to pivot and jump into something brand new.

A little about me

I pull inspiration from other people and I believe that we all have a story to tell.

I’ve always had a passion for writing. I also believe that I have a knack for talking to people and hearing their stories. I’ve navigated (and survived) a really hard season of parenting and with that has come a passion to support parents who are struggling like I was. I also think that the kids that struggle need to be supported and lifted up, not shunned and disregarded.

You’ll find lots of real-life stuff on this blog. Maybe I’m sharing a recipe, or showing you how I decorated a space, or maybe I am having an emotional purge. I believe in authenticity and at times, I might overshare. #sorrynotsorry

A few things about me:

  • Iced coffee – every.single.day
  • I own a candle business, you can find me on social @ignitejoy_co or on my website at https://ignitejoyco.com/
  • I think that self-care is essential. #treatyourself
  • Instagram is my favorite form of social media — you can find me @gabby_mcgraw
  • I believe that we can all find joy in the ordinary.
  • I love day dates
  • I am the oldest of 4 kids
  • Fall is hands down, my favorite season
  • Organizing is like a form of therapy to me
  • I live in a very small town that feels a bit like the set of a Hallmark movie.
  • I love music, all kinds and I believe that singing loudly in the car is a must.
  • I believe in offering ‘life nuggets’ in the form of quotes and stories.

Ways I can help

I’m a woman of many passions! HEre are some ways that I can help you.