Hustle and Heart
Hey friends! It’s been awhile. No excuses given! Here I am 🙂 In my head, I plan to write a book and sometimes I feel like what I share here might take away from the chapters I have concocted in my head. But really, who cares, right? Just write they say.
As I am knee deep in my candle business and living amongst some pretty badass small business owners, I have noticed something. There are two different types of business owners. The dreamers AND doers or the dreamers OR doers. Now listen, I am a dreamer and a creative. I get the personality that comes with that combination. We can be a bit all over the place and have so.many.ideas. Having hustle and heart is a thing. I love both but people who emphasize the heart portion of things really speak to me.
Now, don’t get my wrong, I know I can be a little lazy at times so I really try and do what I say. In this, I don’t overcommit. Overcommitting is so easy to do. I get it. We have all been there. Most of us say yes more than we say no. One of the things that I think about when I am pondering saying yes to something is, “if I say yes, can I do this well?” If the answer is no because of lack of time or even passion, then it has to be a hard no. We all have a certain amount of time to give and we should be mindful of where we put our energy, both physically and emotionally.
I also feel like being supportive of others is a really cool thing. It’s interesting cause there are a few different types of people out there, especially in this world of social media ‘influencers’. There are the types that are really here to lift up others and there are the ones who pretend cause it makes them look or feel good (I said what I said and I stand by it). Obviously we all are doing things for our own benefit because most of us are trying to make a living with our craft but lifting up others along the way is also a beautiful gift.
Words of affirmation are my love language for sure but real words. Not the ones that are like someone’s just blowing smoke up my ass. Don’t just say, do — live those words. Don’t just say them cause you think them. This has happened too many times. I get that I am sensitive and have high expectations of getting back just a little of what I pour into people. I have felt let down a lot. A friend says it’s cause I wear my heart on my sleeve and give so much so quickly. I can’t deny this! I am working on lowering my expectations but then I wonder if I really should?
I do let people in quickly and I see all the shiny stuff. Then after a bit the shiny gets a bit dull and I am left questioning my own intuition. Like, how did I NOT see that? Lessons learned always. Some people are good at showing their shiny though. Like really good. I am an optimist. I love people REALLY hard but once scorned, I am usually done. It’s like having my eyes closed and then opening them and really seeing someone and going, “Oh, this is not my kinda person.”
Disclaimer: Yesterday I was feeling a bit tipsy and pissed off so I did a few social media rants which I proceeded to take down cause that is not the message I want to put out there. I didn’t feel bad about what I said, I was more annoyed that I let someone get to me. Some people are just assholes and nothing will change that. Some people will purposely be passive aggressive and fake. Some people will purposely try and get under your skin. Some people do not deserve even a second of your energy.
When I feel that someone has created a riff in my emotional status, I am super annoyed with myself. Like how did I let them have a little bit of control. I understand that we are all different and opinions can very greatly. That is OK. My biggest motto in all things is, “don’t be an asshole”. If you are an asshole, I am out. It doesn’t have to be a big dramatic event to let someone go but do let them go if they are creating havoc with you emotionally. I have said goodbye to a couple of things professionally (and personally) over the past year. To be honest, it feels like an exhale to let go of the toxicity.
Aside from all of my personal thoughts + opinions in this post, the bottom line is that I am truly inspired by people with hustle + heart. Be a dreamer and a doer. Put yourself out there. Do the things. Make the wish and blowout the candles. Be a beautiful human that supports other beautiful humans.