How To Organize A Bathroom

Hey there! This past weekend, I decided to tackle a project that was on my list. Lists are my fave but I love checking things off of my lists even more! I try to set little goals for myself every day. It’s like a little self-challenge. Something as simple as ‘cross two things off of the to-do list’. This always feels rewarding and I feel so proud of myself for getting something accomplished too.

So what was on the weekend agenda you ask? About 2 months ago I went into my boys bathroom to restock toilet paper {cause I am a good mom like that} and when I opened the cabinets, I saw way too much crap. Way too much. Can I stress that enough? Too much. Stuff that isn’t used. Stuff that expired. Way too many hair gels. Enough Band-Aids to help fix the boo-boos of several classrooms full of kiddos. I wanted to clean everything out right then and there but I knew it was going to require a little bit of time and creativity to clear the clutter and make it look pretty. Well, it’s a boys bathroom so instead of pretty, how about we say presentable?

If I keep the door and drawers closed, it’s not so bad! This is what most people might see if they used this bathroom.


But — this is what I see! What the heck, right? How does this happen?


I spy –  cleaners, a diffuser, a humidifier, old shampoo, toilet paper and items to clean an aquarium that doesn’t exist anymore. For real.


This drawer has an empty travel bag, electric toothbrushes that aren’t used as well as an unused water pik.


A giant bin full of first aid ‘stuff’ and another empty toiletry bag. Why? I don’t know. I really don’t.


Isn’t this one just awesome? Way too much dental floss, an empty spray bottle, shoelaces, a Slinky {again, why?}, scissors, nose hair trimmer, unused chapstick, combs, old toothbrushes, and toothpaste. The Slinky was my favorite random find though. Ha!

Here is the after – Ta Da! Isn’t it so much better? Purging + good storage are the best kind of thing for spaces like this.


Excuse the baseboards. Those are next on my get it done list {doesn’t that sound better than a to-do list?} You can see that it’s much more organized and a few things are gone. Forever. In the trash.


The Band-Aids have been condensed, I didn’t toss the toothbrushes although I think I might now that I rethink the fact that they are all touching. Gross. Bad judgment on my part and the ones that they use are not in this basket. We also added razors to the mix. Yes, I have a teen that shaves. That in itself feels weird. I also see that there is some toothpaste that should be cleaned up. Sigh. I am trying over here people. I really am! #boymom


Hair gels, dental floss {again, why so much? I can’t answer that question quite honestly} and a few odds and ends.organized-bathroom-drawers

This drawer is really a bit of a lost cause with all of those cords which makes it look a bit messy but it’s all functional stuff so I just won’t get rid of it. It’s also expensive to replace but we can replace just the toothbrush heads at a fraction of the cost. My youngest will be getting braces soon and the water pik is awesome for that.

So there you have it. My boys’ bathroom organization project. It wasn’t a huge, time-consuming thing but it was necessary and feels so good to have it done!

Do you have a space in your house that is eating away at you? Something that is screaming for some attention? It always feels so good to tackle one little space at a time. Go ahead, start small and cross something off of your list.


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      1. Just thought I would let you know that I found some fabulous containers to use to organize my bathroom and I even bought a nifty medicine box!! Thank you for all of the advice. I really appreciate it x

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