The Big Exhale, Saying Hello To A New Year

Well hello there. We are already a week into the new year. I hope that your Christmas was magical. I tried to really focus on the being together part and not the stress of doing all the things. Years ago, I hosted the holidays at my house and as much as I appreciate those sweet memories, it was a really chaotic season of shopping, cooking, cleaning, traveling to and from, being Santa and all those things that add up to special memories but also cause pure exhaustion. This year, with adult children, things felt different. Less pressure in a great way. Big kids, I mean, young adults, have different kinds of wishlists. They are happy to get things like underwear and socks. I’m serious! These are the items that no one enjoys spending money on, especially young people just trying to get their bearings.

I felt so much less rushed this Christmas. It made me reflect on holidays past and how different things are now. There are so many seasons that we go through and in that, there are so many amazing memories and take aways but as much as I enjoyed the other seasons, I am appreciating this slower season of life.

First off, as much as parts of the holiday season are sweet and magical, there is also so much commercialism and chaos. Those things quickly distract from the holly jolly part of the season. Does this resonate with you? I just really noticed the awful (and dangerous) drivers on the road and definitely in parking lots. For what? To get a better spot? To find a gift because you have to? To get to the next location faster? I don’t know what it is but I literally felt unsafe being in my car!

Once January hits, all the things start to slow down and I am 100% here for it. How about you? Do you thrive in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season or do you enjoy the slow down that comes after the rush of the season?

I love goal setting and planning but I am also realistic in not setting intense resolutions that I may not stick to. So this year I am focused on being healthier. This means making better choices with my physical and mental health. I’ve added therapy to my ‘diet’, less alcohol, more meal planning and more moving my body. I’m not living by the scale.

My business goals include growing, learning and creating. Obviously this is so much more involved but that’s the condensed version of the ‘plan’. 2023 was a good year for Ignite Joy Co (my candle business if I just lost you in the whole business plan thing). I was able to do a fun photo shoot with the always talented Magnolia Rain Photography. I sold to some local wineries and I just picked up a new wholesale account here in town.

The year has been full of change but it’s been full of joy and learning as well. So as we jump into a new year, I’m exhaling the old and inhaling the new. I wish you a joyful year.

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