
Hey friends! I’ve got a lot of ‘one-liners’ on standby but this week, I wanted to talk about gratitude. I feel like this is typically a big word for November but I am feeling it hard  R I G H T   N O W  so I am just gonna roll with it, K? I try to always be mindful about being grateful. Even in the midst of the hard stuff, I am looking for the upside and silver lining. I realize that overall, even through the tough stuff, I am pretty damn lucky. #glasshalffull

Sometimes finding gratitude is in the tiny things. The unexpected. Maybe it’s in seeing the first fall leaves of the season, seeing old photos of my kids pop up on Facebook and remembering those sweet moments all over again, maybe it’s in hearing the giggle of your child or a getting a friendly smile from a stranger. So many things can illicit gratitude. Sometimes it’s in the big moments that you realize that the things you take for granted are really things that should fill you with gratitude. Watching a friend get diagnosed with cancer, seeing a family member ‘live’ with cancer, having someone close to you with a chronic health issue – these things have and are happening to people I love dearly. They make me seriously take stock of my health. Am I skinny? Nope. Am I healthy? Yes. Am I so grateful for this body and what it can do and how it feels on the daily? Absolutely.

In this season of parents {yes, ‘in this season’ is my favorite phrase these days}, it’s hard. It wears me out. It worries me. It puts stress on our household. I also see a different side. I see a child who is emotionally acting like a crazy teen but who is a physically healthy child. That is a blessing! Obviously physical healthy is my #1 these days. Being emotionally and mentally healthy is obviously SO important too but hey, #teens There is a whole lotta cray happening with the hormones and emotions. Stay the course. That’s my motto right now. But I find gratitude in the little moments and conversations with my kids. In-between the snark and attitude, I see glimmers of my babies. They need me still. Even if they don’t always act like it. I find gratitude in that.


My nieces and nephews: I am always grateful for these little faces. I get the biggest hugs, the sweetest smiles and I seriously feel like I could burst when I hold their little bitty bodies {as a teen parent – these are things I miss the most}.

My husband: He is my biggest supporter.

My boys: They are my whole world.

I could seriously add hundreds of photos to this post. I am pretty damn grateful for all of the people in my life.

Last week, I had a horrific migraine for two days. It ruined some plans and caused me lots of stress and of course, I was in a lot of pain and I couldn’t escape it – no matter how hard I tried. This had me in a bit of a tailspin but it did go away and I was able to resume my fun weekend away. I just had a late start. When I woke up on Saturday, I wanted to scream with joy. I fully embraced how good I felt and how lucky I was to be my normal self again. #gratitude


Once I got to my ‘happy place’ aka ‘Lake Tahoe’, I was able to relax and spend time with friends. My hubby and I got to go on a little adventure and sometimes I just have to stop the car and take the pictures of the beauty that is nature. My hubby was on board and even found a way to get the best pictures. We stumbled upon and then wandered into this field of beautiful horses.  This might have been one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. My heart was so full in this small moment. Shockingly, I was almost moved to tears. #sarcasm #icryateverything

Do you try and find things to be grateful for? If you struggle, if you feel like you can’t quite find the things to fill up your gratitude jar, do this: start a journal. At the end of every day, write down 5 things that you were grateful for that day. This is a challenge I have participated in and it’s a great way to check in and be mindful of your thoughts.


So every day, find a little something to be grateful for. Even on your worst day, look for the good. Be happy for the tiniest of things that create sunshine.


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  1. I am grateful to have you remind me to be grateful. Although I am generally a glass is half full type of person, sometimes it is difficult to process the bad news and find the joy.

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